Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Christmas Concert

Friday is Christmas Concert Day.

Primary show 9:30

Junior show 10:50

The grade 5`s are the 5th act and grade 4`s are the 8th act.

Monday, 10 December 2018

Math for Both Grades

In math -

Grade 4's are exploring measurement. They have been estimating and measuring in cm, mm, and m.
A great learning opportunity at home is to allow them to explore the house and measure various items. They are building up their references in order to estimate measurements for the times when they don't have a measuring tool with them.

They have also been exploring km and metres to determine distance. When driving, help them see how far a km is and compare it to 5 kms so they can see the difference.

Holiday baking is a great time to have them help you by measuring ingredients.

Measurement is a fun and easy math unit to do at home with them!

Today they started measuring time using analog clocks. Again, ask them to tell you the time and work with them to determine elapsed time.

Grade 5's have been exploring temperature. They have been reading thermometers and we even coded the Microbits to record temperature.

Please bring in a clear glass bottle so that we can make our own thermometers.

Today, the 5's starting measuring time up to the second.

Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Grade 5 Work Due

Grade 5's should be finished their book club reading, work, and mini project if they were assigned one (Hana's Suitcase group), and their breakouts based on their book.

All this needs to be wrapped up before the Xmas break. There is now limited class time because we are preparing for the Christmas concert.

Grade 4 Powtoon Due

The grade 4's have been working on making Powtoon presentations on a medieval occupation for a few weeks now.  Many are done and we are waiting on the rest to finish so we can start the presentations.

Please check with your grade 4 that it is done. It is due on Friday.

Monday, 3 December 2018

Christmas Concert

We have finally chosen our plan for the Christmas concert!

Thank you to Mr Spindler for taking the grade 4's off my hands.  They have already started their musical performance.

The grade 5's will be performing The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.

We are currently looking for:

 - large boxes to build scenery
-  Grinch suits
-  red Santa jacket

Grade 5 Micro:bit Draw

Thank you to all those who were interested in the opportunity to spend Friday with me downtown at the Microsoft office. I wish I could take you all!

2 students were selected in the draw to go and will be joining 2 more from Mme Sarah's class.