Monday, 22 June 2020

Grad Update

Hello grade 6 parents .... I have sent out the invitation to the live portion of graduation tomorrow. Please check your emails. If the RSVP button is not working for you, that's fine. As long as you have the link, you'll be golden!

Please join us before 3 so you can get settled and talk to the families who are already waiting. We are the last class. We always close the show at St Anne, so depending on how things are going in the class ceremonies before us,  ours might be delayed but it will not be early.

Before 1pm, an email from the school with the prerecorded portion of graduation will be released to you.  That leaves you with some time to celebrate your graduate before coming back at 3 for the live event.

The grade 6 slide show will also be shared at that time for you to watch. Thank you Ms James for putting that together.

I will also be sending out the collection of quotes they put on their yearbook assignment. It's different than the concept idea.  Thank you Mme Garvey for putting it together.

And, on the last day of school our virtual clap out video will be sent. I just need to make it :)

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Google Grid Meet View - Graduation

I will email this out to parents, but I am posting it here as well for those still checking. 

Because there will be a large amount of guests and students online, it is recommended that you use the Google Grid View so you can see as many people as possible. Most of your children already have this set up on their account and have been using it during their class Hangouts.

Here is the link that will allow your view to look like the photo view. Please warn your guests who may be in the witness protection program that their name will be displayed by default under their image. 

Monday, 15 June 2020


Grade 6 parents, please check for an updated email from me about graduation.  They fixed the link to register up to 3 emails (your child, +2 guest emails).  For those who already registered before the form was changed, you are probably unable to revise it.  In that case, please email me to provide the additional addresses and I will ask the school to add them to the guest list. 

It was nice seeing many of you today. The nicest thing I have heard in months is when you or your child tells me how much they miss me. I miss them too! I saw a few smiling faces peeking out of car windows today and it was a much needed boost to push through the next couple of weeks.

Please make sure to check the table in the gym if you ordered a grade composite photo. This is the large graduation picture of all the students and teachers that you would see up on the wall in front of the lion mural.  I've waiting 6 years to get up on the wall and I can't think of any better company to be up there with than this gang!

Thursday, 11 June 2020

Birthday Invite Gr 5

Gr 5 parents,  please have your kiddo check their email as there is a birthday invitation from one of their classmates. There is a sign up link to a virtual martial arts activity. 

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Graduation Hoodies Gr 6

Hello Gr 6 Parents,

I sent out a reminder email to a few gr 6 parents today about their child's graduation hoodie. I doubled down and sent reminder emails to those students too. I would hate for them to miss out on their gift from the school, so my apologies if they come bothering you about ordering it :)

The email contains a link to the letter the school already emailed out to parents. It only went to one parent so it's very possible that it was simply missed.  Please check with the other parent before ordering.  The process will move a lot faster if we don't have to follow up to sort through duplicates.

The deadline to order is May 22 and if you have questions to contact Ms O'Halloran. Her email is in the letter. If the link I sent doesn't work, let me know. I am not the owner of the Doc, I am simply the messenger today but I should be able to sort that out.

Hopefully after our next team meeting we will have more information about your grade 6.

Monday, 18 May 2020

Still Working On Stuff

Some language was added to Workspace last week and I am working on math units. I slowed it down a little because we are waiting to hear if/what the government will announce this week about school.  I'm in 'wait to see what is going to next' mode.  I also needed to take a bit of the stress and my high expectations of myself off my shoulders.

As well, I've been focusing on the grade 6 class as we wait and see what we are allowed to do for graduation. I have a meeting about that this week and hopefully will have some information.

I believe the school sent out emails about graduation hoodies and a link to a virtual trip to Holy Trinity.  If you think you are missing out on something, please let me know or email the school. The ladies at the front remain awesome!

I know people want their belongings. Especially those lunch boxes that by now have spawned spores throughout the room. Come to think of it, we left our room with red paint smeared handprints and crime scene clues everywhere.  Not to mention the dead vegetation in there too.  Did we empty the compost bin? The school probably smells lovely right now :)  Good thing I took the fish and snail home with me! 

Mr Spindler's morning class parents, if you have questions let me know. I think he is supposed to be back this week.

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Helping at Home

Hello Parents,

So, it's day what? I don't know about you but my brain aches. 

The grade 4 and 5's will need some help doing their perimeter and area work at home. Many of them said in our Hangout today that they have rulers or measuring tapes at home. That's important because they will need them!  If not, have them try and figure out how they can get around having a traditional 30 cm ruler to use.  They should be able to estimate and use benchmarks to compare to in order to make their own, but if they are stumped, you can find online rulers that look pretty accurate.  They can use it to make their own ruler out of cardboard or wood. 

I explained in their work that they also need your help in marking the work :)
I can assess the math, but the measurement I cannot do through the screen. If you wouldn't mind helping me out by checking their accuracy and providing some measuring guidance, that would be very helpful.

This is a more hands on unit so feel free to come up with some activities on your own. Have them find the perimeter (distance around) and area (space something covers) of rooms or furniture in your home. Give them measurements to follow and have them recreate it using Legos, blocks, drawings, wood, cardboard, whatever you can think up.

This unit comes with a project and depending on the student, it might be done with minimal effort or they might engage and build a fort in your kitchen. The creative, artistic child should enjoy it. I've told them you are allowed to help them but the math should be left up to them to tackle.

A reminder that they have access to many apps and platforms I have set up online for them. I have assigned language work on Epic and Newslea for them. They also have assigned work and assessment tasks on Mathletics.