Tuesday, 2 October 2018

October Update

Grade 4

The 4's are still a work in progress. They wrote up contracts today to hold themselves accountable for their actions and set goals on ways to improve. If they break their contract, it will be sent home for their parents to sign and return. We talked about the things they are doing well and the areas they need to improve on.

Marked tests will be sent home tomorrow. The last of the students were finishing them today. They will be bringing them home in their yellow assessment folders. Please sign it and have them return the entire folder with the test. We have now moved into adding and subtracting 4 digit numbers and working with money amounts. These are very easy things to practise at home or when out shopping.

Congratulations to Sofia, Will, and Carter for making their first St Anne school team. Good luck at the cross country meet!

The grade 4's will have a supply teacher on Wednesday as I'm in the school working on something else.

Grade 5

The 5s are still going strong and doing a great job. Their tests went home on Monday in their orange assessment folders for you to sign. If you haven't seen it come home yet, please ask your child for it.
They too have started addition and subtraction with 5 digits and working with money. These are easy skills to practise and develop at home with them.

Students should be finished their research project on either the ISS, Mars, or David Saint Jacques. Many are close to finishing up their biographies on Terry Fox.

If you haven't sent in the information verification sheet yet, please do.

Portable Update

It's there but not exactly ready for us to learn in yet. The grade 5's took it for a spin today and we discussed how we can still manage a flexible learning environment in a rectangle.

We will need hand sanitizer since we don't have a sink and kleenex please to be sent in.

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