Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Zander Update

Thank you to Zander’s parents for taking the time throughout their very emotional day to give us updates on how he’s doing. Thank you on their behalf for your thoughts and for supporting his friends who care so much about him.

The surgery went well. He has been awake and talking but will stay in ICU for a bit to rest up.  We plan on having him back in class and inspiring us all again after the Christmas Break!

Looking For Glass Bottles

Hello Parents,

Grade 5's are in need of clear glass bottles to borrow for a math-science experiment.

These may be hard to come by so we are willing to take clear beer bottles as well.  Not too large a bottle and it should have a narrow opening that we can easily seal shut.

Kind of like, but not limited, to these  sizes of bottles.

Monday, 26 November 2018

Grade 4 Snacks

Dear grade 4 parents,

This is a request from the children in class who are constantly being asked for snacks in the afternoon from their classmates.  It has been posted already that many students are still hungry in the afternoon or choosing not to eat their last snack because they don't like it. They have been asked to talk to their parents about making sure they have enough snacks to last the day.  I'm sure you have seen them attack your refrigerator and clean it out within minutes.

Our other friends who are managing their snacks throughout the day are feeling pressured to feed their friends. Please help take the pressure off them. They are kind souls who want to feed their friends .......

Thursday, 22 November 2018

Test Reminder

A reminder that both classes have a math test on Friday. Both classes had a review today, marked, and should be brought home with them.

Cool News For Grade 5

An awesome opportunity has come up for 2 lucky grade 5 students!  On December 7th, I will be attending a workshop downtown to support our Micro:bit  Living Space project as part of Computer Science Education Week.

And.... I get to bring 2 students with me as my co-learners for the day! This would be treated as a field trip and you would have to fill out the permission form.  Parents are responsible for getting their child to the workshop and picking them up.  The workshop is downtown on Queen St.

I went to a similar workshop last year sponsored by Microsoft. It was fantastic with an incredible provided lunch, snacks, and hands on coding!

Please read the link for more information and details.

After you  have looked everything over and have discussed with you child please send a note in their agenda letting me know that they can be entered into the draw to choose 2 students.

Friday, 16 November 2018

Math Test

Hope you're enjoying your snow day!

There will be pattern tests for both grades this Friday.

Sunday, 11 November 2018

November Dates

November 14th  Parent Information Night

6-7 pm Social Emotional Learning
7-8 pm Tech Help


November 15th- School Council Raffle

November 16th - PD Day

November 19-23 - Bully Awareness Week

November 24th - St Anne Bazaar

November 29th - Photo Re-take Day

Math Page Updates

Both grades have been updated as to what we are doing in math. Patterns. We are half way through the unit.

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Grade 5 Book Club

Grade 5's have started Book Club. They examined the following books and decided on their own which book they would like to read. As you can see, there is a theme to our first book club selections and it's a heavy theme. The class have been designing digital breakouts (online escape rooms) which focused on WWl and WWll and we have kept the theme going as we approach Remembrance Day. A lot of prepping them for the content has been provided along with a warning that the content might bring out emotions and feelings that they are unsure of. The Boy in The Stripped Pajamas is the most emotional book of the selections. This book has been in Book Club for grade 5's for the last few years and I'm aware of it's content and the effect it can have. This Book Club is more teacher guided and I have more of a presence in the groups than with other selections that are more small group student guided. 

Please check with your grade 5 and ask which book they are reading. I have included a link for each one for you to become familiar with their book. It is that time of year when students are reading or having books read to them in other classes with similar content and sometimes that content is misunderstood and talked about on the yard. It's important that your child is familiar with the historical truths and be cognizant that we have St Anne families whose ancestors are survivors or have come from modern day war torn countries.                                                                                  

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Parent Info Session

If you can’t make it to interview night, click the link to register. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf_J_YxyqBso0rdfKLooBBHJeSyrI70eHwQecz60JOji9ngYg/viewform

Student Photos

Grade 5's received their student photos today. They will be bringing them home for you to see. A reminder that photo retakes are November 29th.  Make sure you read the deadlines on the form.

Monday, 5 November 2018

Very 1st Gr 4 Math Tests

Sometime during the move(s) to the portable, the grade 4 place value tests were misplaced by a helpful student. They have since been located and corrections that needed to be made have been made. Those tests are coming home on Tuesday with those who didn't get them back originally.

Sorry for the delay. It was a hectic 2 months waiting for our portable and moving in.

Thursday, 1 November 2018

Math Tests

Math tests from both grades have been given back and should be brought home in their assessment folders.

If your child does not bring one home today, it's probably because they haven't finished it or had to redo some questions. It will be coming home once they work out the last few questions.

We have spent some extra time working on the more challenging multi step word problems together. Sometimes they need a few more pieces given to them to help solve them.

Progress Reports

Progress reports have been sent home today.  I am the grade 5 homeroom teacher so they will be bringing them home from me. Everyone was given theirs.

Grade 4's get them from their homeroom teacher, not from me.

Please sign the progress report stub and the envelope to be reused and have your grade 5 return it to me.  Grade 4 returns it to their morning teacher.

Interviews - grade 5's are doing great and unless you have a concern you'd like to talk about then feel free to book an interview. Or, you will find a note in your grade 5's envelope today from me asking for an interview.

Having 54 students means I can't meet everyone so I'd like to focus on the grade 4's for interviews. There will be a number of you that I would like to invite in for interviews. Please wait for a note next week requesting one. If you haven't received an invite and would like an interview, of course feel free to book one if there are times available.