I hope everyone had a safe and fun March Break! While the students are back this week, I am not. I will be modelling proper concussion protocol and taking some time to let my brain heal up. I'm out at least until Wednesday and then will re-evaluate day by day.
I have both classes math tests that they wrote before the break at home with me. Looking at the results, many students need to continue practicing multiplying and dividing at home so they can finish their tests and make revisions when I get back.
The grade 5's are having a difficult time with the extra numbers this year (2 digit x 2 digit) and (3 digits / 1 digit). This is a bit unexpected from the gang that was with me last year as I know they can multiply and divide. They seem to be having a hard time remembering the steps to follow. The 5's new to me this year are having some challenges with both the math and the steps.
The 4's are most struggling with the introduction to long division and are forgetting to use their multiplication knowledge to solve division.
If your child missed the test before the break, they will be writing it on Wednesday.
This week in math we are moving into decimal values. Grade 4's are exploring tenths and the 5's are working on hundredths. Both should be moving into fractions by the end of the week. New to the 5's this year are mixed fractions and equivalents.
In language, the grade 4's have started their new book club. They loved the first book so much (makes me happy) that we are reading the sequel, Superfudge! Many have expressed interest in the Fudge series and I've told them they can find all the books at the library or at book stores.
The 5's are finishing up their puppet theatre for this week. The goal is for them is to start performing next week so we can wrap up in order for them to start their book clubs as well.
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